Brief Portrait - History




Zeulenroda Präzision Maschinenbau GmbH was established in 1991 and operated under the name Ernst Haaf GmbH CNC-Technology until 31.12.1992.

From the 1st January 1993 on the company is administrated by new directors, Mr Martin Reußner and Mr Peter Jung, but still with the same established employees under the name Zeulenroda Präzision Maschinenbau GmbH (ZPM).

After the decease of Mr Martin Reußner the company is now directed by Mr Robby Reußner (CEO) and Mr Jens Rabold (CTO).

As a system provider we are optimally equipped for small and medium quantities produced on standard machines and mass production for the automotive industry manufactured on special machines.

Besides adequate open areas ZPM possesses 10.100m² hall area for production, quality control and logistic, CNC turning, milling and drilling as well as high precision machining.

That way we produce components and assembled units for printing machines, tool machines, textile machines and plant construction, hydraulic industrie, automotive industrie and commercial vehicle industrie.

 © 2023 ZPM GmbH * Industriestr. 1 * D-07937 Zeulenroda-Triebes * Tel: (+49) 03 66 28 - 8 40 * E-Mail: info@zr-praezision.de